In Transience

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

– fr. Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood,
Robert Frost (1874 – 1963), U.S. poet


(I Stir and Steer; I Travel and Travail; to Places and Spaces;
thru Times and Climes; with Chimes and Charms, People and Tipple;
by Turns and Churns; in Futility and Mortality; to Fate, to Destiny.)

in transience
i walk a landscape of dangling talks
i draw a still-life painting of scattered dreams
i read a scroll-full of hopes forlorn

in transience
my soiled feet tread illusions of flower-strewn
pathways, when cracked pebbles grate my toes
telling me I’m on rough, rugged road instead

in transience
i work, and cherish chimes and charms
i keep score, astray, playing games
i neither rest on winnings nor scorn losses

in transience
i wonder in snippets, over amber bottles
on what lies Beyond…

in post transience.

conception and resurrection
is transience.

(c) 2004 Chito L. Aguilar

I welcome your comments. Thank you!